Getting started

Hello beautiful soul! I want to celebrate you for listening to your inner calling to join this sacred space! Before we dive into this Sacred Journey take a moment to celebrate your YES, yes to yourself, LOVE and your next level. 

On this page, you will find everything you need for this Sacred Journey (program).

By joining this program, you agree (and have read) to Kimness Guidelines and Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions, please contact me at .

Intention and Deepest Desires

Welcome to the transformative journey of the Flower of LOVE Body Activation. As you embark on this sacred path, I invite you to set your intentions for our time together, allowing your deepest desires to guide your experience.

Take a moment to reflect on what you hope to awaken, discover, and create through this profound journey. In this Sacred Space, your clear intentions become a powerful signal to your Higher Self and the Universe. Declare, "This is what I want and desire." Trust that your intentions will be supported by the multidimensional frequencies and vibrations present in this moment, working for your highest and best good.

Open your journal and write down your intention. Why did you say YES to joining this transformative experience? Embrace the power of your intention as it sets the stage for the unfolding of your unique journey.

Now, let us explore your deepest desires. What do you long to manifest, create, and contribute in this moment? Allow your desires to flow onto the pages of your journal, both tangible manifestations and profound states of being. Envision moments of joy, connectedness, love, abundance, and clarity about your life's purpose. Without judgment, write freely until your desires have been expressed in their entirety. Think big, dream boldly, and let your words paint the vivid tapestry of the life you desire.

Embrace this sacred space of self-reflection and intention-setting. Trust that the Flower of LOVE Body Activation will serve as a catalyst to manifest your deepest desires and ignite the path to your most authentic and fulfilling life.

Welcome, dear soul, to a journey of profound transformation, manifestation, and limitless potential.

Before and after the Activation

Before the transmission, from the very moment you say YES, the seeds of transformation are already being planted within you. The clarity of your intentions amplifies the power of these transformations, as you boldly claim what you want for your journey ahead. Embrace the knowing that your intentions hold immense creative energy and set the stage for profound shifts to unfold.

During this profound multidimensional transmission, whether you choose to join us live or experience it through the replay, you will immerse yourself in transformative portals co-created with your Higher Self and Team of Light and Love. Every time you engage with this transmission, the deep remembrance codes within you will be activated, igniting new pathways of expansion and growth. Trust in the wisdom and guidance of your Higher Self and Team of Light and Love as they intimately understand your individual needs in each and every moment, leading you towards your ultimate well-being and highest potential.

As your LOVE body is being Activated, I invite you to cultivate compassion for yourself. Old emotions may surface, and it is important to lovingly acknowledge them without judgment. Simply allow them to be present, knowing that they arise for release, making space for more light to permeate your being. Writing down these emotions can be a helpful practice, allowing you to externalize and let go of what no longer serves you. Once written, release the form, symbolizing the release of those emotions.

Take notice of the subtle shifts unfolding within your reality. Observe moments where you respond differently than before, the beautiful synchronicities that grace your path, and the ongoing transformations that continue to shape your journey.

After the activation, take a moment to journal your reflections. What shifted within you? What awakened? How will you embody your transformation and show up differently in the world? Listen to the calling of your heart as you manifest your desires and step into your authentic power. Write down all that arises, capturing the essence of your evolving journey.

Embrace the transformative power of this sacred LOVE activation, knowing that each and every moment holds the potential for profound change. With compassion, awareness, and intention, you will continue to blossom into the radiant being of LOVE that you are destined to be.


Thank you for co-creating with me in the Sacred Space of Love; it was an honor to connect with you all. Below, you can find the link to the Flower of LOVE Body Activation on Soundcloud. Feel free to listen to this transmission as often as you'd like. Your Higher Self and team of Love and Light are here to support you in receiving the most out of these multidimensional Love codes in each and every moment for your higher now timeline. Thank you for BEing you and sharing your time, energy, and amazingness! I look forward to seeing you again soon in one of the Flower of Love Sacred journeys. Much Love, Kim. 💖🌸🌟

As shared before: The recording focuses solely on the Activation itself, excluding the prior and after talk to honor the privacy and personal shares of each participant. We want to create a safe and sacred space for everyone's journey. 🌟🙏💫

Thank you

I feel honored and look forward to share this sacred LOVE space with you! By saying YES, you have taken a powerful step towards unlocking the boundless potential that resides within you.

As you deepen, I invite you to remain connected to the essence of LOVE that flows through every fiber of your being. Let LOVE support you to tune into the depths of your being, allowing the beauty of your true Self to unfold effortlessly. Embrace the LOVE that you are and let it radiate in all areas of your life.

Thank you for embarking on this sacred Love Body Activation with me. May your journey be filled with profound shifts, limitless possibilities, and an abundance of LOVE.

With LOVE and blessings, 


Come join the deepening spiral of LOVE

This is my sacred invitation to you to join me on the Flower of LOVE embodiment journey.

A special gift of appreciation; when you sign up for the Embodiment journey before November 19, 2023, you will receive a generous €100,- discount on the Flower of LOVE Embodiment investment.

Ready to awaken your SuperPowers and reclaim your Inner Radiance, to live a soul fulfilling life?

These Embodiment teachings support you to rapidly re-connect with your Inner Wisdom, Magic and Resilience, so you are empowered from within to navigate these rapidly changing times with Trust and Confidence and you can manifest your deepest desire and highest calling from the strong embodied foundation of LOVE.

You are the KEY and the ANSWER! Time to RE-MEMBER!


  • Step 1: go to the Flower of Love Embodiment journey here >>>
  • Step 2: at check-out use the code QRQ2RT6G (valid till 19 November 2023, and only for Flower of Love Embodiment journey), this will give you a €100,- discount
  • Step 3: make sure to create a password so you can access the Flower of Love Academy
  • Step 4: you can immediatly start your Embodiment journey the moment you have sign up

Your Sacred Guide


Hi! I'm Kim. It's wonderful to connect with you. I'm a Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, and the Founder of the Flower of Love Lineage. I am a two-time international best-selling author and also the host of the Soul Love podcast. My main mission? To help beautiful Souls like you see just how much the power of Love can transform your life.

I'm all about helping you reconnect with your inner Wisdom so you can create the life you truly desire. As a Sacred teacher, I'll be there to guide you through change, turn your dreams into reality, and uncover your true purpose—all with Love leading the way.

Now, I won't lie—my own journey has had its share of challenges, from loss to burnout to illness. But every hurdle has only made me more compassionate and understanding. And that's what drives me to help other beautiful Souls find happiness again.

I live in the Netherlands with my husband and two amazing daughters. When I'm not coaching or speaking, you'll find me soaking up nature or exploring Sacred Sites around the world.  I'm committed to continual growth, to embody Love in its purest form and spread its transformative power wherever I go. Let's embark on this journey together.