Getting started

Hello beautiful soul! I want to celebrate you for listening to your inner calling to join this sacred space! Before we dive into this Sacred Journey take a moment to celebrate your YES, yes to yourself, LOVE and your next level. 

On this page, you will find everything you need for this Sacred Journey (program).

By joining this program, you agree (and have read) to Kimness Guidelines and Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions, please contact me at .

Welcome to this sacred space! Deeply honored and thrilled to embark on this transformative journey with you—the Cosmic Love Activations Series, lovingly guided by the Divine Mother and the Flower of Love Codes.

Love is your superpower, and it's time to unlock its abundant and profound potential for your (R)Evolutionary journey. This journey begins within, for you hold the keys to your own inner transformation, growth, wisdom, and magic. By allowing Love to illuminate your path, to harmonize your inner world, to ignite and radiate your true essence.

Your journey of change begins within. You possess the power, wisdom, and magic to create your unique heaven on Earth right now. The moment you say YES, energies across multidimensional aspects of your being begin to shift in co-creation with your Higher Self and the loving team of Light and Love that surrounds you.

Let's embark on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and cosmic love together!

Intention and Deepest Desires

Welcome to the transformative journey of the Cosmic Love Activations. As you embark on this sacred path, I invite you to set your intentions for our time together, allowing your deepest desires to guide your experience.

Take a moment to reflect on what you hope to awaken, discover, and create through this profound journey. In this Sacred Space, your clear intentions become a powerful signal to your Higher Self and the Universe. Declare, "This is what I want and desire." Trust that your intentions will be supported by the multidimensional frequencies and vibrations present in this moment, working for your highest and best good.

Open your journal and write down your intention. Why did you say YES to joining this transformative experience? Embrace the power of your intention as it sets the stage for the unfolding of your unique journey.

Now, let us explore your deepest desires. What do you long to manifest, create, and contribute in this moment? Allow your desires to flow onto the pages of your journal, both tangible manifestations and profound states of being. Envision moments of joy, connectedness, love, abundance, and clarity about your life's purpose. Without judgment, write freely until your desires have been expressed in their entirety. Think big, dream boldly, and let your words paint the vivid tapestry of the life you desire.

Embrace this sacred space of self-reflection and intention-setting. Trust that these Cosmic Love Codes will serve as a catalyst to manifest your deepest desires and ignite the path to your most authentic and fulfilling life.

Welcome, dear soul, to a journey of profound transformation, manifestation, and limitless potential.

Before and after an Activation

Before the transmissions, from the very moment you say YES, the seeds of transformation are already being planted within you. The clarity of your intentions amplifies the power of these transformations, as you boldly claim what you want for your journey ahead. Embrace the knowing that your intentions hold immense creative energy and set the stage for profound shifts to unfold.

During this sacred week together, whether you choose to join us live or experience it through the multidimensional replays, you will immerse yourself in transformative portals co-created with your Higher Self and Team of Light and Love. Every time you engage with these Cosmic Love Activations, the deep remembrance codes within you will be activated, igniting new pathways of expansion and growth. Trust in the wisdom and guidance of your Higher Self and Team of Light and Love as they intimately understand your individual needs in each and every moment, leading you towards your ultimate well-being and highest potential.

As you recieve these Comis Codes of Love, I invite you to cultivate compassion for yourself. Old emotions may surface, and it is important to lovingly acknowledge them without judgment. Simply allow them to be present, knowing that they arise for release, making space for more light to permeate your being. Writing down these emotions can be a helpful practice, allowing you to externalize and let go of what no longer serves you. Once written, release the form, symbolizing the release of those emotions.

Take notice of the subtle shifts unfolding within your reality. Observe moments where you respond differently than before, the beautiful synchronicities that grace your path, and the ongoing transformations that continue to shape your journey.

After each Cosmic Love Activation, take a moment to journal your reflections. What shifted within you? What awakened? How will you embody your transformation and show up differently in the world? Listen to the calling of your heart as you manifest your desires and step into your authentic power. Write down all that arises, capturing the essence of your evolving journey.

Embrace the transformative power of this sacred Cosmic Love journey, knowing that each and every moment holds the potential for profound change. 

With compassion, awareness, and intention, you will continue to blossom into the radiant being of LOVE that you are destined to be.


Before tuning into these multidimensional transmissions, it's essential to prepare yourself to fully embrace the experience. Here are some key steps to get ready

  • Find a Comfortable Space: Ensure you're in a warm and comfortable environment. Take a few moments to relax by placing your hands on your heart and practicing a few deep breaths—inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
  • Hydrate and Nourish: To support the energy flow in your body, I recommend drinking plenty of water before and after you listen to the Activation. Additionally, incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet can enhance your overall well-being.
  • Grounding Practice: Dedicate at least 15 minutes a day, or even more if possible, to ground yourself by standing barefoot on the grass. This practice can help you connect with the Earth's energies and find inner balance.
  • Journal Your Experiences: After each Activation, consider journaling about your experiences. Reflect on the insights, feelings, and sensations you encountered during our time together. This can be a valuable way to integrate the teachings and energies.
  • Remember, it's crucial to maintain safety. Do not listen to these activations/transmissions while driving, operating heavy machinery, or engaging in activities that require your full attention and concentration, such as cooking, swimming, or live performances. Please check out the additional guidelines provided Guidelines >>>

By following these preparation steps, you'll be better equipped to fully engage with the multidimensional codes of these Cosmic Love Activations and gain the most from your (R)Evolutionary journey.

Thank you

I feel honored to share this sacred space with you! By saying YES, you have taken a powerful step towards unlocking the boundless potential that resides within you.

As you deepen, I invite you to remain connected to the essence of Love that flows through every fiber of your being. Let Love support you to tune into the depths of your being, allowing the beauty of your true Self to unfold effortlessly. Embrace the Love that you are and let it radiate in all areas of your life.

Thank you for embarking on this sacred Cosmic Love Activation journey with me. May your journey be filled with profound shifts, limitless possibilities, and an abundance of Love.

With Love and blessings, 


Day 1 - Short Introduction 

Day 1 - Cosmic Love Connection Activation 

You can listen to the activation via Soundcloud.

Deeply grateful and honored to journey with you all on this Sacred and transformative journey of the Cosmic Love Code Activations. Together, we are traversing a path of Love, profound awakening and remembrance.

Celebrate Your Inner Journey: Each step you take with is a testament to your readiness to anchor more of your unique Light Codes here on Earth. These Cosmic Love Codes hold space for a deep re-membering / reconnecting with the essence of who you truly are.

Ignite and Embrace Your Inner Radiance: As we delve deeper into these activations, I invite you to continuously embrace the Spark of Love within. Each moment of connection, each realization, is a powerful act of rekindling your inner flame. Your intuition, your emotions, and the reflections from your surroundings are guiding lights, illuminating your path towards transcending the illusion and embracing the universal Truth of Love.

Your journey is unique, and every step you take is perfect in its timing.

Day 2 - Grounding in Love 

You can listen to the activation via Soundcloud.

As we continue to navigate the profound realms of these Cosmic Love Code Activations, I am filled with gratitude for your presence and participation in this sacred journey.

Today's transmission guided us on a beautiful connection with our body, our Sacred Temple, activating our Earth Pyramid. This was a significant step to anchor even more of your Cosmic Self here on Earth, all guided by the harmonious frequencies of Love.

As we ventured through this experience, each of us tapped into deeper layers of our Being, connecting more intimately with the essence of who we are. This connection is not just a momentary touch but a continuous unfolding of our spiritual and cosmic identities, deeply rooted in the nurturing embrace of Mother Earth.

Embrace and Honor Your Journey Today In alignment with the energies of today's session, I encourage you to continue this grounding process:
  • Connect with the Earth, perhaps through walking barefoot, feeling her grounding energy and the support it provides.
  • Engage in creative expression using elements of nature as symbols of your connection to the Earth and your Cosmic Self.
  • Hydrate mindfully, infusing your water with the intention of Love and gratitude, resonating with the frequencies we embraced today.
  • Explore creative outlets such as drawing, journaling, or using sound to express your inner experiences, letting your unique voice harmonize with the vibrations of the Universe.

Revisiting Each re-listen deepens your connection and understanding of these Cosmic Love Codes, revealing new insights and layers of your Cosmic Divine Self.

Day 3 - Meeting your Cosmic Divine Self 

You can listen to the activation via Soundcloud.

Welcome to the third Cosmic Love Code Activation; "Meeting Your Cosmic Divine Self".

Today, with our activated Merkabas as our celestial vessels, we ascended into the 12th dimension—a realm of pure light and infinite possibility. It was in this exalted space that we encountered our Cosmic Divine Selves, a reunion of the Soul that many have longed for, consciously or unconsciously.

Sacred Gift of Re-Membering 

Our meeting with our Cosmic Divine Self was not just a moment of recognition but also an exchange of sacred gifts. We received keys of remembrance, activating dormant codes within our DNA. These codes are not just sequences of our physical being; they are the essence of our cosmic journey, holding the wisdom and knowledge accumulated across lifetimes and dimensions.

Descending Back to Ground Our Cosmic Codes

Fueled by Love, we descended back into our Earth Pyramid, grounding to anchor these Cosmic Codes into our physical existence. This grounding is essential, as it enables the integration of these high-frequency codes into our daily lives, transforming not only our spiritual understanding, also our physical reality.

Integration through Playfulness and Wonder

The integration of these Cosmic Codes occurs in Divine Timing, guided by the energies of playfulness and wonder. It is through joyous exploration and creative expression that these codes unpack and reveal their gifts.

Invitation to Co-Create and Express 

I invite each of you to engage with the elements around you, allowing them to guide you in expressing your unique understanding of these Sacred Cosmic Codes. Whether it's through art, music, writing, or simply being in nature, let your creativity flow as an extension of the cosmic wisdom you have embraced. 

As we continue this journey, let's carry with us the energy of this activation, nurturing it within our daily lives. Our next gathering will build upon this foundation, taking us even deeper into our Cosmic exploration and awakening.

I am honored to walk this path with you and look forward to our continued exploration into the vastness of our Cosmic Selves.

Day 4 - Inner Wisdom

You can listen to the activation via Soundcloud.

Cosmic Heart 

In today's transmission, the field of Love gently led us into the sanctuary of our Inner Garden. As we connected with the innate beauty of this space, we were reminded of the inherent beauty that resides within each of us. The Joy Codes, vibrant and alive, guided us to illuminate a new aspect of our Earth Pyramid, calling forth the Cosmic Heart.

As the Cosmic Heart descended and merged with our Earth Pyramid, it formed an illuminating vortex. Unlike our previous journeys into distant dimensions and Cosmic realms, this time, our voyage was inward, deep into the essence of our BEing. We connected our Cosmic Love Codes with the Wisdom Codes nestled within the Seeds of Light in our inner garden, in co-creation with Mother Earth and the elements of this earthly realm.

The Reclamation Seed: Embracing Our Truth

This activation was a powerful continuation of the gift received in Activation 3. As these gifts unfold, we are being called to claim our Truth, our Light, and our Wisdom, committing ourselves at the altar of our hearts. The Reclamation Seed we planted within the soils of our Inner Garden is set to sprout, grow, and blossom in its own divine timing, supporting our earthly journey and awakening our Inner Wisdom, our Magic, our Truth, and our essence of BEING LOVE(D).

Anchor Your Activation: Create and Express

I invite you to anchor this activation by creating something symbolic of all you have claimed at the altar of your heart. This physical representation can serve as a reminder of your journey and your commitments.

Additionally, I encourage you to consciously invite the Joy Codes into your day, letting them infuse your every now moments with their uplifting energy. 

Day 5 - Golden Lotus (New)

You can listen to the activation via Soundcloud.

As we close this sacred chapter of our Cosmic Love Code Activation journey, my heart overflows with deep, heartfelt gratitude for each one of you, whether joining live or through replays. Your sacred YES to this journey - choosing to anchor your unique Light Codes, awaken your inner wisdom, and step into your authentic radiant Selves - marks a powerful ascension to your next level.

Your commitment to anchoring more of your Cosmic Codes here on Earth, through your authentic BEING, has already created profound ripples across our presence, the collective, and beyond. We are at the beginning of something truly magnificent, and I am deeply grateful for this sacred Cosmic week we've shared.

🌟 The Golden Lotus Activation: A Space of Completion and Awakening 🌟

In today's final transmission, the Codes of Love cradled us in a nurturing space, activating the Golden Lotus within our fields. This deeply grounded and nurturing essence opened up to call forth the Cosmic Heart. As the Cosmic Heart descended into our fields, it created an empowering space of completion and awakening. The number 9 emerged, symbolizing the completion of cycles, allowing the illusions and limiting patterns ready to be released to do so, bringing your energetic field in alignment with your intentions set at the altar of your hearts in the previous transmission.

💫 Transforming Contraction into Flow 💫

The Codes of Love facilitated a graceful transition from contraction to flow. Inviting these aspects to elevate to their next level set them free, transforming each mirror. As each petal transformed, it began to reflect our light, amplifying it within our fields, aiding us in holding more Light and elevating our vibration to higher templates of BEing. The Golden Lotus, rising above the mud into the Light, while remaining grounded, anchored, and supported through its roots.

🌈 Elevating Your Vibration and Setting a New Energetic Template 🌈

This elevated state of the Golden Lotus beckons you to hold the energetic template of your heart's claims, vibrating this essence into the quantum field, the ether, the Universe, the Cosmos, and into Mother Earth. This vibration calls forth aligned experiences, people, places, and opportunities to support the energetic essence of your claimed truths.

🌟 Closing Reflections and Invitation 🌟

As we reflect on our profound journey, remember that this final transmission has equipped you with tools and gifts to use throughout your day. These gifts will help you stay centered, connected to Love, and bring your field into alignment with your truth. I invite you to keep committing yourself to the higher expression of your Cosmic Divine Self here on Earth. Let these tools be a guide, a reminder to embody the essence of your divine journey in every moment.

As one Divine Spiral comes to a place of completion, a new one opens up, inviting you into your next level. If you feel called, this is my Sacred Invitation to you to come join me in the Sacred space of the Flower of Love Embodiment journey >>>

May the Love, insights, and transformations we've shared continue to guide and illuminate your path. Thank you for your radiant presence and for being a part of this transformative experience.

🔁 Replay of Our Transformative Journey 🔁

I invite you to revisit and immerse yourself in this profound experience, allowing it to recalibrate your energy, creating a new, higher vibrational set point in your field. This recalibration marks your new starting point, a higher level of being and existence.

Grateful for your presence, your Love, and your commitment to the (R)Evolution of the collective and beyond. Your journey through these activations amplify your beacon of Light and Love into the world.

With Cosmic gratitude and Love,


PS: before we started I drew this card out of the Activating the Flower of Love Card Deck, a Sacred message, you can draw a daily card on the website >>> . 

Come join the deepening spiral of LOVE

This is my sacred invitation to you to join me on the Flower of Love embodiment journey.

A special gift of appreciation; when you sign up for the Embodiment journey before December 15, 2023, you will receive a generous €100,- discount on the Flower of Love Embodiment investment.

Ready to awaken your SuperPowers and reclaim your Inner Radiance, to live a soul fulfilling life?

These Embodiment teachings support you to rapidly re-connect with your Inner Wisdom, Magic and Resilience, so you are empowered from within to navigate these rapidly changing times with Trust and Confidence and you can manifest your deepest desire and highest calling from the strong embodied foundation of LOVE.

You are the KEY and the ANSWER! Time to RE-MEMBER!

Next Steps

  1. Step 1: go to the Flower of Love Embodiment journey here >>>
  2. Step 2: at check-out use the code QRQ2RT6G (valid till 15 December 2023, and only for Flower of Love Embodiment journey), this will give you a €100,- discount
  3. Step 3: make sure to create a password so you can access the Flower of Love Academy
  4. Step 4: you can immediatly start your Embodiment journey the moment you have sign up

Check out these empowering offers

♡ Book Activating the Flower of Love

Paperback & Kindle

Learn more here > 

♡ Activating the Flower of Love online journey

Self-paced Sacred Journey

Learn more here >

Flower of Love Embodiment

3-month Sacred Group Journey 

Learn more here >

♡ Ambassador of Love

6-month Leadership Journey 

Learn more here >

1-on-1 Sessions

Work with me in a sacred
1-on-1 space
Learn more here >

Mystery School Lineage

Flower of Love Lineage, Activating, Embodiment, Alchemy, Creation

Learn more here >

Awakened Love Playlist

A mix of inspirational and empowering music to dance, feel, and connect.

Pick A Card

Activating the Flower of Love pick-a-card NOW available

Get ready to embark on a transformational journey of self-discovery and manifestation, guided by the wisdom of the divine love teachings of the Flower of Love. Let these cards ignite your soul and illuminate your path towards living a life filled with love, abundance, and purpose. With each draw, you will spiral deeper into your connection with your divine essence to unlock your true potential. This is your time to blossom and live your most fulfilling life. Get ready to experience the magic of the Flower of Love in new ways!

Your Sacred Guide


Hi! I'm Kim. It's wonderful to connect with you. I'm a Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, and the Founder of the Flower of Love Lineage. I am a two-time international best-selling author and also the host of the Soul Love podcast. My main mission? To help beautiful Souls like you see just how much the power of Love can transform your life.

I'm all about helping you reconnect with your inner Wisdom so you can create the life you truly desire. As a Sacred teacher, I'll be there to guide you through change, turn your dreams into reality, and uncover your true purpose—all with Love leading the way.

Now, I won't lie—my own journey has had its share of challenges, from loss to burnout to illness. But every hurdle has only made me more compassionate and understanding. And that's what drives me to help other beautiful Souls find happiness again.

I live in the Netherlands with my husband and two amazing daughters. When I'm not coaching or speaking, you'll find me soaking up nature or exploring Sacred Sites around the world.  I'm committed to continual growth, to embody Love in its purest form and spread its transformative power wherever I go. Let's embark on this journey together.