Getting started

Hello beautiful soul! I want to celebrate you for listening to your inner calling to join this sacred space! Before we dive into this Sacred Journey take a moment to celebrate your YES, yes to yourself, LOVE and your next level. 

On this page, you will find everything you need for this Sacred Journey (program).

By joining this program, you agree (and have read) to Kimness Guidelines and Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions, please contact me at .

I want to extend a warm welcome to you as you embark on this powerful online journey of opening your heart and awakening to the potency of (Self+) Love. As Mother Earth raises her vibrations and more Divine frequencies and codes of Love become available on the earthstar, this initiation journey will support you in mastering these higher states of Love to become highly magnetic for your deep desires to come your way.

In this sacred journey, you will receive 4 Divine Love Codes that activate deeper layers of (Self+) Love within your light body. These codes will give you access to deeper pockets of wisdom and magic within your field, while also making you more magnetic for the manifestations of your deep desires!

 All that you are looking for is already within you, and this journey is inviting you to deeply remember and discover the magic that unfolds when you are IN LOVE with yourself and life!

As you embody more (Self+) Love, you will simultaneously strengthen your confidence and self-worth, deepen your connection with your higher self and the divine for guidance and clarity, and be able to set healthy boundaries. You will also be able to enjoy the beauty of life in each and every moment and become highly magnetic for the manifestations of your deep desires.

It is time to release the slower vibrations that keep you from connecting to a deeper Love, releasing energies of self-judgment, insecurity, blame, shame, and jealousy out of your field and raising your vibration into higher states of consciousness. These Love Codes support you to embrace all the parts of you waiting to be seen and loved in this now moment.

As you partner with Love, you will create a strong, vibrant foundation to step more fully into your light, embrace and express your authentic self with confidence, and release resistance.

Love is nurturing for your body and soul and will guide you forward to your deepest desires and highest calling.

Enjoy this initiatory journey of self-discovery,

Much Love, Kim 

Getting Started

How will this initiation journey go;

Day 1; Start your journey with the first Divine Love Code transmission & Integration exercise.

Day 2 + 3; Deepen the first love code

Day 4; dive into the second Divine Love Code transmission & Integration exercise.

Day 5 + 6; Deepen the second love code

Day 7; dive into the third Divine Love Code transmission & Integration exercise.

Day 8 + 9; Deepen the second love code

Day 10; dive into the the fourth and last Divine Love Code transmission.


Before our session, it's essential to prepare yourself to fully embrace the experience. Here are some key steps to get ready

  • Find a Comfortable Space: Ensure you're in a warm and comfortable environment. Take a few moments to relax by placing your hands on your heart and practicing a few deep breaths—inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
  • Hydrate and Nourish: To support the energy flow in your body, I recommend drinking plenty of water before and after our calls. Additionally, incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet can enhance your overall well-being.
  • Grounding Practice: Dedicate at least 15 minutes a day, or even more if possible, to ground yourself by standing barefoot on the grass. This practice can help you connect with the Earth's energies and find inner balance.
  • Journal Your Experiences: After each session, consider journaling about your experiences. Reflect on the insights, feelings, and sensations you encountered during our time together. This can be a valuable way to integrate the teachings and energies.
  • Remember, it's crucial to maintain safety. Do not listen to these activations/transmissions while driving, operating heavy machinery, or engaging in activities that require your full attention and concentration, such as cooking, swimming, or live performances. Please check out the additional guidelines provided Guidelines >>>

By following these preparation steps, you'll be better equipped to fully engage with our sessions and gain the most from your (R)Evolutionary journey.

1 - Anchor and Ground

You can listen to the activation via Soundcloud.

Welcome to the first Divine love Code of this initiation journey

Anchor & Ground

Before you dive into this multidimensional Divine Love Code

Before you dive into these multidimensional Divine Love Code transmissions, make sure you are in a quiet place and are comfortable and warm.

The high-frequency cosmic sounds, divine light, and sacred geometry in these transmissions create rapid ascension and healing within your body and consciousness and activate a deeper remembering of divine love within your being.

You can listen to these Divine Love Code transmissions as often as you would like, your highest self and team of divine light around you know what to recieve from these multidimensional transmissions each time you listen for your highest and best good. Follow your inner guidance on this!

Integration 1

Take a moment to write about this experience in your journal, what awakened for you? What new awareness came up? How was it to recieve these loving and nurturing energies of Mother Earth? To strengthen your earthly foundation, anchor more of your light, and to be in this safe and connected state? But also the empowering feeling that you are doing this, you are consciously leading yourself in this awakening journey, choosing to embody more of your light!

After you have listened to this activation try to spend some time in nature and create your unique way of anchoring the infinite 8 connections between you and Mother Earth. And in a way that is aligned for you create a beautiful physical reminder of this connection; maybe by painting an 8 or creating an 8 in nature, and then take a picture with your phone so you can look at this image each day for a couple of days. You can also do this by each day making an 8 movement with your hands/arms, allowing this loving Earthly connection to deepen.

2. Worthiness

You can listen to the activation via Soundcloud.

Welcome to the second Divine love Code of this initiation journey


Before you dive into this multidimensional Divine Love Code

Before you dive into these multidimensional Divine Love Code transmissions, make sure you are in a quiet place and are comfortable and warm.

The high-frequency cosmic sounds, divine light, and sacred geometry in these transmissions create rapid ascension and healing within your body and consciousness and activate a deeper remembering of divine love within your being.

You can listen to these Divine Love Code transmissions as often as you would like, your highest self and team of divine light around you know what to recieve from these multidimensional transmissions each time you listen for your highest and best good. Follow your inner guidance on this!

Integration 2

Take a moment to write about this experience in your journal, as you strengthen the love for Self it simultaneously invites you to become aware of what is loving to you. By that also becoming aware of your natural boundaries. How was it to recieve these love codes? What parts of your body and field could easily receive and what parts did not? The parts that were not ready, what did they want to share with you? We invite you to write in your journal what brings you joy, what brings you excitement, what brings you, love.

What can you do right now to embrace the love for yourself even more? Think of one loving, nurturing, and joyful activity you can do today and do that! Just one thing you are doing for yourself, just for the fun of it. One gift you are giving yourself. And commit yourself to do one loving, nurturing, and joyful activity for you, because you are worthy of that. By giving yourself the love you desire, you also have more love to give to others.

And remember, just keep asking yourself; is this loving to me?

3. Dance with Life

You can listen to the activation via Soundcloud.

Welcome to the third Divine love Code of this initiation journey

Dance with Life

Before you dive into this multidimensional Divine Love Code

Before you dive into these multidimensional Divine Love Code transmissions, make sure you are in a quiet place and are comfortable and warm.

The high-frequency cosmic sounds, divine light, and sacred geometry in these transmissions create rapid ascension and healing within your body and consciousness and activate a deeper remembering of divine love within your being.

You can listen to these Divine Love Code transmissions as often as you would like, your highest self and team of divine light around you know what to recieve from these multidimensional transmissions each time you listen for your highest and best good. Follow your inner guidance on this!

Integration 3

Take a moment to write about this experience in your journal, how was it to embrace all the parts of you waiting to be seen and loved? To look at your life from your Multidimensional Self, from a place of wholeness? To discover the wisdom that is within the polarities, within your life experiences? To feel so deeply connected to all these different dimensions of you. But also be present in the now moment to become aware of the subtle signs of your body, emotions, energetic field, and beyond. To co-create with all these different tools you have?

For this integration, we invite you to circle back to the intention and deep desire you wrote down before you started this initiation journey. Seen from this new higher vibrational setpoint, what is your awareness around your intention and deep desire? Through these activations could you become aware of the energy or block that was preventing you from moving forward? With these Cosmic Love Codes in place, how do you desire to move forward? How do you choose to lead yourself to the next level from this place of love and connectedness?

As an integration exercise, we are inviting you to choose one deep desire to create a physical anchor for. You can do this in any way that lifts you up, through painting, drawing, writing, or making a beautiful photo. Make sure you create something you can hang beside your bed so that each time you wake up and go to bed you are reminded of your deep desire in an uplifting way. By that direction your energy towards your desires, leading yourself!

4. Multidimensional Love

You can listen to the activation via Soundcloud.

Welcome to the fourth Divine love Code of this initiation journey

Multidimensional Love

Before you dive into this multidimensional Divine Love Code

Before you dive into these multidimensional Divine Love Code transmissions, make sure you are in a quiet place and are comfortable and warm.

The high-frequency cosmic sounds, divine light, and sacred geometry in these transmissions create rapid ascension and healing within your body and consciousness and activate a deeper remembering of divine love within your being.

You can listen to these Divine Love Code transmissions as often as you would like, your highest self and team of divine light around you know what to recieve from these multidimensional transmissions each time you listen for your highest and best good. Follow your inner guidance on this!

Divine Love Code 4 Multidimensional Love

With all, you desire to create and manifest in your life, choose to create it from love and the strong connectedness within yourself.

You can use this last activation to each day consciously send your unique love and light frequencies to your deepest desires and highest calling. By you consciously being in this field of love daily, the direction your energy towards what you desire, see what amazing possibilities and magical moments awaken for you through this conscious love infusion!

It is time to deeply remember your light! To be the contribution you came here to be by being you!

You are light! You are love! You are Divine! 

Yes for choosing LOVE!

Come join the deepening spiral of LOVE

Thank you for joining this Cosmic Love Initiation journey. How was this initiation journey for you? What new awareness did arise? And how are you playing with the integration exercises?

As one journey comes to an end it is also a new beginning, as we are constantly growing and expanding, what is your next aligned step? What is your heart calling for? Ready to leap into your next level?

I want to invite you to take the next step into the Flower of Love Embodiment journey.

This next level of divine love teachings will support you in rapidly re-connecting with your Inner Wisdom, Magic, and Resilience, so you are empowered from within to navigate these rapidly changing times with Trust and Confidence. You will be able to manifest your deepest desires and highest calling from the strong embodied foundation of LOVE.

In the Flower of Love Embodiment journey, you will receive even more powerful tools, activations, and transmissions to anchor you deeper into your (Self+) Love and support you in living a soul-fulfilling life. You will be able to awaken your SuperPowers and reclaim your Inner Radiance, so you can create the life of your dreams right now.

Sacred Love Embodiment Training journey | FlowerofLove 

This time is inviting you to be the contribution by being and expressing your authentic Self! Love is a powerful force that can support you in many ways on your earthly journey.

As you embody more love, you simultaneously will experience more joy, abundance, and fulfillment.

Remember, You living your best life is the biggest contribution you can be!

Thank you again for being a part of this journey. I am honored to have been your guide, and I look forward to continuing to support you as you deepen your (Self+) Love and step more fully into your light.

Much Love,


Pick A Card

Activating the Flower of Love pick-a-card NOW available

Get ready to embark on a transformational journey of self-discovery and manifestation, guided by the wisdom of the divine love teachings of the Flower of Love. Let these cards ignite your soul and illuminate your path towards living a life filled with love, abundance, and purpose. With each draw, you will spiral deeper into your connection with your divine essence to unlock your true potential. This is your time to blossom and live your most fulfilling life. Get ready to experience the magic of the Flower of Love in new ways!

Check out these empowering offers

♡ Book Activating the Flower of Love

Paperback & Kindle

Learn more here > 

♡ Activating the Flower of Love online journey

Self-paced Sacred Journey

Learn more here >

♡ Flower of Love Embodiment

3-month Sacred Group Journey 

Learn more here >

♡ Ambassador of Love

6-month Leadership Journey 

Learn more here >

♡ 1-on-1 Sessions

Work with me in a sacred
1-on-1 space
Learn more here >

♡ Mystery School Lineage

Flower of Love Lineage, Activating, Embodiment, Alchemy, Creation

Learn more here >